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Council Rock Northampton Baseball

Council Rock Northampton Baseball

Joint Registration for Northampton/Holland

Welcome Holland and Northampton Parents!

Please excuse the branding of our current site - we will begin switching to our new colors as details get finalized.  Our main focus is getting ready for Spring baseball!

This platform is new to us and all of us may experience an issue here or there.   Not to worry.   If you run into any issues at all, use your existing contacts:


email [email protected]


email [email protected]

There are some additional notes and things to consider below.  If you are 100% not sure about anything, please email us!

DIscounts Available!

  • Early Bird Discount of $25 if you register before February 15, 2025 (except Quickball)  
  • $25 discount per player if 3 or more players register from the same household.  

Registration Closes - March 15th

  • Uniforms must be ordered by March 7th.   We can get you on a team until 3/15 but your uniform will be the average size for your age group.  Do not wait!

Sponsors Needed!

Our program and baseball campuses are what they are because of the volunteers that make it all happen. 

Fundraising and facilities management work hand in hand to make our baseball complex the best for our athletes.  If you're able to help in ANY way or are interested in being a supporter, please reach out to:


Phil Sager - [email protected]


Giselle Fittizzi -  [email protected]

These efforts happen NOW so we're ready for Opening Day!  Thank you.  

Please Note

  • Games will be played Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays starting at 5:30PM & Saturdays starting at 10AM.  Makeup games may be scheduled on Wednesdays as needed.

  • Registration closes on March 15th, 2025.  No exceptions.

  • The season will start in early April and will run until  mid-June.  Tournament season begins late June through mid-July

  • Registration includes Team Jersey and hat.
  • Players are required to purchase their own cleats, glove, and pants.  The league will supply helmets and bats should a player need it.
  • Quickball does not require a glove, bat or helmet. For Quickball, a bat and ball will be provided with registration.
  • Catchers equipment (including a glove) will also be provided for each team (7 and up).
  • All bats used must be USABat certified bats.  Do not even bring USSSA or BBCOR bats to the field as use of these bats will result in ejection and possible suspension of both player and Coach.

  • The age, school, residence, and eligibility requirements are determined by Little League International, not Northampton Baseball.   For more information on the new requirements, please visit this article.


Before you proceed...

Please read before you begin registration!

• If a parent will be a head coach or an assistant coach, that  parent should register the players.  Once teams are formed, the team will be assigned to a registered user and that user should already have a GameChanger account using the same email address as the registration email address

• Although you will see a section to upload documents, residency/school forms do not need to be uploaded at this time.  Even though the fields are there, this can be done later in the season for selected District players

• If you volunteer for a role, you may need to upload a photo ID and answer some questions

• All volunteers will be asked to complete a background check via JDP.  The league will email you the online application.  In addition, 3 other clearances are required.  The league will also email all volunteers instructions on how to complete.

• If you live in Northampton Township – answer no to both residency questions
o If you do not live in NHT but live within CRSD, there is a $25 fee
o $45 fee for full non-resident.

Regulation II (Player Choice)

Players aged 4-7 may register with any Little League of their choosing.  When they register, their older sibling may join the league as well.  As only players with addresses in our boundaries may register - you will need to contact us to register an older sibling.  Once the 4-7 player is registered, please email us at [email protected] to complete registration.


Registration Listing

2025 Spring Little League (4-12YO)

Little League program for players aged 4-12. Players 8 and above must reside or attend school within Northampton Baseball boundaries. To ensure that you are in the right place, check your address with League Finder.

Non-residents of Northampton Township that live within Council Rock School District will be charged a $25 fee.
Non-residents of Northampton Township that DO NOT live within Council Rock School District will be charged a $45 fee.

Quickball - (Ages 4-5)

Registration closes on 03/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/21/2025
Show Details

Minors - Bambino - (Age 6)

Registration closes on 03/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/21/2025
Show Details

Minors - Rookie - (Age 7)

Registration closes on 03/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/21/2025
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Minors - Single A - (Ages 8-9: Kid/Coach Pitch)

Registration closes on 03/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/21/2025
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Majors -AAA - (Ages 9-10)

Registration closes on 03/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/21/2025
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Majors - American League (Ages 10-12)

Registration closes on 03/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/21/2025
Show Details

Majors - National League (Ages 11-12)

Registration closes on 03/15/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/21/2025
Show Details


Northampton Township LL
PO Box 461 
Richboro, Pennsylvania 18954

Email: [email protected]

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